Wakfu 维基
Wakfu 维基
Sac pose



There's no use trying to beat a Sacrier disciple into submission - they like it too much!

In fact, these berserkers only become more powerful with each blow from their enemy! You'll find these strange creatures right where the fighting rages and the blood flows... and this is the warrior comrade that just keeps giving and giving in those long, tiring battles.

Like all tough soldiers, they know how to enjoy themselves too, so if you can't find your finest warrior companion on the battlefield, have a look in the local tavern! Their weapon of choice is the sword.

Class spells[]

The class spells available to members of the Sacrier class are:

Element Level Icon Spell Name Type Effect
Element AirLarge
0 Spell Sac Rejectattoo Rejectattoo Cheap Attack Damage, Push
2 Spell Sac SacriersFist Sacrier's Fist Very Cheap Attack Damage, Move Towards, Nimble
4 Spell Sac Assault Assault Cheap Attack Damage, Swap Places, Nimble
7 Sacrier Spell Motion Sickness Motion Sickness Very Cheap Attack Range, apply Motion Sickness state to target, forced reposition causes damage.
10 Spell Sac LightSpeed Light Speed Expensive Attack Circle AoE: Damage, Teleport, Nimble
Level Icon Spell Name Type Effect
Element EarthLarge
0 Spell Sac RockyFoot Rocky Foot Cheap Attack Damage, Awkward, Coagulation
2 Spell Sac CrackrockBlow Crackrock Blow Attack Damage, Awkward, Coagulation
4 Spell Sac LethalSlingshot Lethal Slingshot Attack Cross AoE: Damage, %Chance -MP, Coagulation
7 Spell Sac Colonnades Colonnades Attack Cone AoE: Damage, Coagulation
10 Spell Sac Smasher Smasher Expensive Attack Damage, Incurable, Coagulation
Level Icon Spell Name Type Effect
Element FireLarge
0 Spell Sac BloodRush Blood Rush Cheap Attack Damage, Self-Harm
2 Spell Sac CageOfBlood Cage of Blood Attack Square AoE: Damage, Awkward
4 Spell Sac BloodthirstyFury Bloodthirsty Fury Very Cheap Attack Damage, Self-Harm, +Damage%
7 Spell Sac BoilingBlood Burning Blood Expensive Attack Cross AoE: Damage, Scalded, Flaming
10 Spell Sac Punishment Punishment Expensive Attack Damage, +Damage%
Level Icon Spell Name Type Effect
Element SupportLarge
1 Spell Sac Attraction Attraction Support Pull, Awkward
Spell Sac Angrrr Angrrr Passive Sacrier system, +Damage% at certain Angrr
3 Spell Sac Transposition Transposition Teleport Swap Places with Ally
Spell Sac BloodPact Blood Pact Passive +Max HP, +Max HP per Ally, -Max HP per Ally Death
4 Spell Sac Sacrifice Sacrifice Support Take Damage for ally and Swap Places
Spell Sac Moribund Moribund Passive Low HP = +Damage%
5 Sacrier Life Transfer Life Transfer Support Transfer Sacrier's %HP to heal Target
Spell Sac ClingingToLife Clinging to Life Passive Delay KO
6 Sacrier Spell Spell Armor Blood Sanguine Armor Active Create state of Coagulation based on Angrr.
Sacrier Spell Blood Tatooed Tattooed  Blood Passive Add 2 levels to each total application of Coagulation state.

Health progression[]

Sacrier start with 56 HP, and gain +7 HP per level.

Play style[]

  • Archetype: Berserker
  • Unique features: Angrrr
  • Strike Power: Good at first, but builds up to devastating levels when hit.
  • Team play: Good. Taking blows for the team, moving both allies and enemies.
  • Combat position: Front lines. Taking damage, and dealing damage.
  • Good targets: Slow moving mid-ranged attackers.
  • Bad targets: Fast moving ranged targets.

Spell-branch features[]

  • Air: Position manipulation of themselves and other creatures.
  • Earth: Spending Angrrr to boost Damage.
  • Fire: Spending HP to boost Angrrr.
  • Support: Position manipulation, protection for allies, and Angrrr.


File:Sacrier Concept.jpg

Wakfu concept art for Sacrier class.

The Sacrier class of Wakfu originated from the first Ankama title Dofus, in which they were a zombie-esque character that gained strength the more they got hit.

File:Sacrier DofusMale.png

Original Sacrier from Dofus

Preview spells[]

Ankama previewed a small selection of spells during the initial design period of Wakfu. Though examples of the desired shape of the class, most of these spells didn't make it through to the current version without some alterations, if not being dropped all together.

Icon Name Element Short description
File:Preview Attraction.jpg Attraction ?? This spell enables Sacriers to attract a character to them, either ally or an enemy
File:Preview SelfSacrifice.jpg Self-Sacrifice ?? This spell enables Sacriers to sacrifice part of their life to inflict damage to all of the enemies around them.
File:Preview Domination.jpg Domination ?? This spell enables Sacriers to immobilize an enemy thanks to their tattoo, but it also blocks their own movements. Their enemy can still attack and cast spells
File:Preview Cooperation.jpg Cooperation ?? This spell enables Sacrier to switch places with that of an enemy


  • The Sacrier class's full name is "Sacrier's Blood"
  • Players often shorten "Sacrier" to "Sac" when referring to the class.
  • The Sacrier's name comes from a combination of sacrifice + crier; the French name is sacrieur, sacrifice + rieur, "one who laughs"

