Wakfu 维基
Eni pose



Eniripsas have always been renowned for their talent as healers. A single word whispered through kindly teeth is enough to double the lifespan of a companion.

Their knowledge of language is unmatched, and it is even said they speak many tongues forgotten by all other races.

基本法術[ | ]

Eniripsa 職業可用的基本法術的項目包含:

元素 等級 圖示 法術名稱 類型 作用
Element AirLarge
0 Spell Eni FearFlask Pain Flask 低階攻擊 傷害
2 Spell Eni PsykoFlask Psykosis Flask 低階攻擊 傷害, 噩夢
4 Spell Eni PainFlask Fear Flask 低階攻擊 傷害, 推進
7 Spell Eni InfectedFlask Infected Flask 高階攻擊 傷害, 壞疽
10 Spell Eni LethargyFlask Lethargy Flask 攻擊 十字範圍: 傷害, 睡眠
  等級 圖示 法術名稱 類型 作用
Element FireLarge
0 Spell Eni ItsadeMark Sadist Mark 低階標記 傷害, 治療轉換
2 Spell Eni EtingMark Traid Mark 低階標記 傷害, WP轉移
4 Spell Eni AmilMark Hammle Mark 標記 傷害, 行動值轉移
7 Spell Eni ConeyMark Coney Mark 標記 傷害, 從高階標記死者中製造一隻兔子
10 Spell Eni RenewalMark Rebirth Mark 標記 傷害, 把目標轉換為奴隸
  等級 圖示 法術名稱 類型 作用
Element WaterLarge
0 Spell Eni HealingWord Healing Word 低階治療 治療
2 Spell Eni WordOfInvigoration Invigorating Word 治療 彈跳 治療
4 Spell Eni RevitalizingWord Revitalizing Word 治療 圓形範圍: 治療
7 Spell Eni RenewingWord Renewing Word 低階治療 低補量治療,獲得下次+10%補量buff。
10 Spell Eni WordOfRecovery Fortifying Word 治療 治療,


  等級 圖示 法術名稱 類型 作用
Element SupportLarge
1 Spell Eni CounterNature Unnatural Remedies 支援 Zombification
Spell Eni Absorption Absorption 被動 轉換傷害到血量
3 Spell Eni Transcendence Transcendence 支援 End Turn, 免疫唱法
Spell Eni ExpertHealer Expert Healer 被動 +獲得治療
4 Spell Eni SuperConey Super Coney 支援 兔子轉換成超強兔子
Spell Eni ExplosiveMark Massacuring Mark 被動 防禦標記敵人的傷害,將傷害轉給其他人
5 Spell Eni Regeneration Regeneration 支援 所受的損害後可獲得治療加成
Spell Eni Constitution Constitution 被動 +血量% 最大值給隊友
6 Spell Eni Enirazer Eniraser 支援 從目標移除State
Spell Eni HealDrain Heal Drain 被動 每唱一項治療法術時,同時治療施法者

自療進度[ | ]

Eniripsa 起初有 47 HP,並得在每一次升級得到 +5 HP。

角色類型[ | ]

  • Archetype: Healer, Fairy
  • Unique features: Healing, Marks, Zombification
  • Strike power: Low. Water is purely healing, Fire's main benefit only occurs when defeated foes.
  • Flexibility: Low. Similar to Strike Power, their options are quite limited.
  • Team Play: Good. Eniripsa's healing can keep an ally alive.
  • Combat position: Protected. While they can heal themselves, it's not enough to survive sustained attacks. Allies are needed to really keep safe.
  • Good targets: Creatures with low health mean Marks can provide their real benefits sooner, or creatures with low damage that can be healed easily.
  • Bad targets: Fast moving attackers can reach an Eniripsa, even when protected.

分支法術功能[ | ]

  • Air (氣): Movement and cheap attacks
  • Fire (火): 標記
  • Water (水): 治療
  • Support (支援): Defensive effects

歷史[ | ]

Eniripsa Concept

Wakfu concept art for Eniripsa class.

The Eniripsa class of Wakfu originated from the first Ankama title Dofus.

Eniripsa DofusMale

Original Eniripsa class from Dofus.

預覽法術[ | ]

Ankama previewed a small selection of spells during the initial design period of Wakfu. Though examples of the desired shape of the class, most of these spells didn't make it through to the current version without some alterations, if not being dropped all together.

Icon Name Element Short description
Preview AltruisticWord Altruistic Word ?? This spell enables Eniripsas to sacrifice their lives to heal all of their allies
Preview RegeneratingWord Regenerating Word ?? This spell enables Eniripsas to set the Regeneration state onto an ally.
Preview Resurrection Resurrection ?? This spell enables Eniripsas to resurrect an ally character fallen in the fight by using all of their faith points.
Preview ScaryWord Scary Word ?? This spell enables Eniripsas to push away an enemy they think is too close.

瑣事[ | ]

  • Eniripsa 職業的全名為「Eniripsa's Hands」
  • Players often shorten "Eniripsa" to "Eni" when referring to the class.
  • Reading Eniripsa backwards gives "Aspirine", relating to the class's healing abilities.

外部連結[ | ]

