Wakfu 维基
Feca pose



Fecas have always been Protectors. This is one class that hasn't changed in the time it took to go from DOFUS to Wakfu - don't expect them to give up whatever treasure they're guarding too easily! And whatever you do, don't mistreat any Gobballs when they're about... they simply can't stand to see their furry friends disturbed in any way, and that goes for all animals.

After all, having possession of some of the most precious objects in the World of Twelve is bound to change anyone. They have elevated their magic to the grace of an art, but it is as precise as a science and their shields are like a fifth limb - in fact, many people say that their shields have lives of their own. It's a good example of the admiration Fecas bring out in people, and a good example of the idiotic myths that still exists in the World of Twelve.


Feca 職業可用的基本法術的項目包含:

屬性 等級 圖示 法術名稱 費用 直接作用 護甲/力場
Element WaterLarge
0 Feca Spell Drip 水滴 1 AP 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
2 Feca Spell Steam 蒸氣 3 AP 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
4 Feca Spell Bubble 氣泡 2 AP
傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect. No LoS
7 Feca Spell Avalanche 雪崩 5 AP 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
10 Feca Spell Crashing Wave 滔天巨浪 4 AP Rectangle AoE: 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
等級 圖示 法術名稱 費用 直接作用 護甲/力場
Element FireLarge
0 Feca Spell Natural Attack 自然憤怒 2 AP
1 MP
傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
2 Feca Spell Flaming Carpet 烈焰焚燒 4 AP 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
4 Feca Spell Volcano 火山爆發 3 AP 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
7 Feca Spell Meteorite Shower 隕石風暴 2 AP 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
10 Feca Spell Fecastopheles 惡魔誘惑 6 AP 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
等級 圖示 法術名稱 費用 直接作用 護甲/力場
Element EarthLarge
0 Feca Spell Fecablades 守護巨劍 4 AP 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
2 Feca Spell Fecabo 守護箭矢 2 AP 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
4 Feca Spell Fecammer 守護重捶 5 AP 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
7 Feca Spell Defensive Orb 護體圓球 3 AP 傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
10 Feca Spell Wisdom Staff 守護法杖 1 AP
2 MP
傷害 / Glyph effect / Armor effect
  等級 圖示 法術名稱 費用 作用
Element SupportLarge
1 Feca Spell Spell Rebound Spell Rebound Reaction Reflects spell back at caster
Feca Spell Glyph or Armor Glyph or Armor 支援 Places neutral Glyph or Armor
2 Feca Spell Peace Armor Peace Armor Buff Damage on Armor. Receive reduced damage on withdrawl
Feca Spell Feca Master Feca Master Passive Increases number of Charges/Plates/Mechanics
3 Feca Spell Teleportation Teleportation Teleport Teleport to Glyph
Feca Spell Explosive Glyph Explosive Glyph Glyph Glyphs do damage when removed
4 Feca Spell Deglyphment Deglyphment 支援 Forcibly removes a Glyph
Feca Spell Ironclad Ironclad Passive +%Resist
5 Feca Spell Pacification Pacification Buff Reverses %Damage and %Resist
Feca Spell Intimidation Aura Intimidation Aura Passive -%Resist at close range


守护者 起初有 51 HP,並得在每一次升級得到 +5 HP。


  • Archetype: 科學家、 Shields.
  • Unique features: Glyphs, Armor spells
  • Strike power: ??
  • Flexibility: Good. All Spell effects vary when using on Glyphs or Armor, or simple direct usage.
  • Team play: Good. Can apply enhancing effects to an individual or over a whole glyph.
  • Combat position: Flanking positions. Their mix of effects means targetted both allies and foe.
  • Good targets: Stationary opponents
  • Bad Target: Attackers who move around a lot.


  • Earth(大地): Armor deals damage against attackers. Glyphs give resistance to effects.
  • Fire(火): Armor penalizes the wearer. Glyphs inflict harm.
  • Water(水): Armor provides healing, bonuses, to wearer. Glyphs grant bonuses.
  • Support(支援): Armor and Glyphs, Resistance manipulation.


The Feca class of Wakfu originated from the first Ankama title, Dofus, in which they focused on buffing allies with resistances, and used glyphs to do damage.

Feca DofusMale

Original Feca class from Dofus.


Ankama previewed a small selection of spells during the initial design period of Wakfu. Though examples of the desired shape of the class, most of these spells didn't make it through to the current version without some alterations, if not being dropped all together.

圖示 名稱 Element 簡述
Preview Truce Truce 支援 This spell sets the Pacifism state onto the target preventing it from attacking
Preview SilenceGlyph Silence Glyph 支援 This spell sets the Divine Silence onto the target, preventing it from using Faith Points
Preview BlindingGlyph Blinding Glyph 支援 This spell sets the Blind state onto the target. It can also make the target lose APs on a critical hit.
Preview CloudyAttack Cloudy Attack This spell enables Fecas to make a powerful lightning fall on an enemy.


  • Feca 職業的全名為「Feca's Shield」
  • Feca is an anagram of "café" which is French for coffee. It is said Feca was one of the first three classes released for Dofus and the creators named the classes after their favourite snacks. Though it was thought, during the Dofus beta, that possibly it was named for the long fights which would ensue with this class, and that you would need many, many cups of coffee to stay awake while the combat lasted.

