Wakfu Wiki
Wakfu Wiki

Wakfu and Stasis are the only two energies in the Krosmoz. Wakfu, representing life and mobility, and Stasis, representing death and stability.

There is an equal amount of Wakfu and Stasis in the Krosmoz, if at some point that balance is broken, it would mean the end of the universe.


Wakfu is the energy of creation that is present in all things passing through the Krosmoz. He is always on the move, traversing all that lives, and is represented by the Great Eliatrope Goddess.

Wakfu can take different forms. When it comes into contact with the four elements (water, fire, earth and air), it condenses into small beads called "Ogrines". But when Wakfu stagnates, it transforms into Stasis, an unstable and destructive energy. As such, they can be thought of as two parts of a cycle, rather than separate and competing parts.


Stasis is the negative energy of the Krosmoz. It is usually associated with death and destruction. If Wakfu, the creative energy, is blue in color, Stasis is purple in color.

The Great Dragon is the deity who embodies Stasis, while the Great Goddess Eliatrope embodies the Wakfu.

Known users[]


Noximilien the Watchmaker uses Stasis in some of his machines, and in particular in the cannons that the XII Razortime used to destroy the forest of the Sadida Kingdom in order to make their way to the Tree of Life.


The Sufokians of Sufokia use it as a weapon, and in particular for the stazers of their submarines and their Steamflexes during their assault on Crimson Claws Island.


In the upcoming 4th season of the Wakfu series, Yugo becomes able to wield both a Wakfu sword and a Stasis sword.

Wakfu MMO[]

Wakfu and Stasis are paths that a player can choose when it comes to interacting with his or her environment. One leans towards the Stasis when taking away from the Ecosystem, whereas Wakfu is the complete opposite and you can gain Wakfu by planting new plants or planting monster seeds.

Wakfu vs Stasis

Note that Stasis is not gained for simply harvesting seeds, cuttings, or other items that leave the object intact, but rather for doing an action that harvests it in a way that removes it completely from the environment, such as reaping grains or cutting down trees/plants. One gains Stasis from killing monsters too, so it is generally easier to tend towards it.

While it is easy to view Stasis as "evil" and Wakfu as "good", one has to keep in mind that overpopulation is just as bad for the ecosystem as too much harvesting. The level of resources should be kept between a minimum and a maximum in every area and thus both can be helpful or damaging. So instead of the above mentioned descriptors, "regulation" and "growth", respectively, would be more fitting.

In both islands there are Wakfu/Stasis crystals, you can interact with it and get a 30 minute bonus (Depending on where you are). If you are in Stasis then you will get an effect with the stasis icon with 20% Harvesting XP, If you are in Wakfu then you will get an effect with the Wakfu icon with 20% Planting XP.


  • Having a high Stasis reflects that the player takes more from the environment than working towards replenishing it.
Stasis Island

Stasis Island


  • Having a high Wakfu rating reflects that the player has worked towards replenishing and expanding resources within the environment rather than harvesting or taking away from it.
Wakfu Island

Wakfu Island


When you get at least 30% in your Wakfu/Stasis gauge you gain access to the Wakfu/Stasis Islands. (aka. Wakfu/Stasis Source)

The entrances are located in all of the four Nations. Amakna's entrances are in Singing Fields, Bonta's entrances are in Kara (Wakfu) and Cania Swamps (Stasis), Brakmar's entrances should be in Pabong Fields and Sufokia's entrances are in Turfo Canyon.

Entrance Location[]

Nation Zone Wakfu Source Stasis Source
Amakna Singing Fields -9, -8 -7, -16
Bonta Kara 15, -1 15, 2
Brakmar Pabong Fields -5, -12 -7, -11
Sufokia Torfu Canyon 6, -33 5, -33

On new servers the Wakfu/Stasis Islands will have to have their inner areas unlocked by donating large amounts of resources. Wakfu Island generally requires seeds obtained by the gathering professions, and Stasis Island generally requires drops and gathering resources obtained by destroying plants or animals, making Stasis Island the more difficult to fully unlock. There are six areas to unlock on both islands, three north and three south.The last two areas in both directions contain Hazy Lead Ore for higher level miners.

To unlock the inner areas, you will need to donate together with all the other players on your server.

  North South
Area Amount Wakfu Stasis Wakfu Stasis
First 1000 Thistle Seed

Crowned Thistle

Thistle Seed

Crowned Thistle

Ash Cutting Ash Wood Ash Cutting Ash Wood
Wheat Grain Wheat Straw Wheat Grain Wheat Straw
Gobball Seed Gobball Leg Tofu Seed Tofu Gizzards
Unlocks Area of Effect Weapons Forge Unlocks Long Distance Weapons Forge Unlocks Long Distance Weapons Forge Unlocks Area of Effect Weapons Forge
Second 2500 Nettle Seed Nettle Clover Seed Clover
Weeping Willow Cutting Weeping Willow Wood Birch Cutting Birch Wood
Cawwot Seed Cawwot Grain of Barley Barley Straw
Field Plant Seed Country Root Blibli Seed Snout
Unlocks Close Combat Weapons Forge Unlocks Armorers' Workshop Unlocks Armorers' Workshop Unlocks Close Combat Weapons Forge
Third 5000 Fern Seed Fern Sweat Jute Seed Nostril Algae
Citronana Cutting Citronana Wood Nostril Drool Sylvan Wood
Pumpkin Seed Pumpkin Mollusky Seed Jute Fiber
Arachnee Seed Arachnee Paw Sylvan Cutting Crab Meat
Unlocks Hazy Lead Ore Unlocks Hazy Lead Ore Unlocks Hazy Lead Ore Unlocks Hazy Lead Ore


  • The Wakfu/Stasis gauge is located under the HP Heart on your character interface. It is marked with a "W" if you lean more towards Wakfu, and an "S" if you lean towards Stasis. Hovering your mouse over the letter will reveal how much Stasis or Wakfu you currently have.
  • The maximum amount of Wakfu/Stasis a character can have is set at 99%.