Ankama Animation created a French-language cartoon show based on the game. Like the game, the show was animated with Adobe Flash; all the production was done in France except for episode 22 "Rubilax" and the special episode "Noximilien", which were both produced in Japan. The series is directed by Anthony "Tot" Roux, and character design is directed by Xavier "Xa" Houssin and Kim "Tcho" Etinoff. On June 21, 2010, Ankama announced that Wakfu season 2 is in production and is set to be released anytime in February 2011. In France, there were already released 2 new episodes of 2 season Wakfu. Episode 1: "Monsters & chimeras" Episode 2: "Rubilaxia" They both are available to watch online in French on Wakfu Official Website. The first series features 26 episodes, and the second series features 12 episodes. There are 3 specials.
The Brotherhood of Tofu:
Side characters:
The Puddlings & The Bullies.
Nox (Season 1).
Marama, Frisco and Tartufo.
Oropo (Season 3).
Qilby (Season 2).
Toross Mordal (Season 4).