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Icon Missing Time Control

Class: Xelor
Unlock level: 2
Type: Attack

Element: Water
1Action point

0, 2 - 4Range ModifiableRange
AoE:Single Cell

"Depending on the swing of the pendulum, the Xelor either removes AP from his enemies or grants AP to an ally by focusing his ability to control time."


  • -1(11) HP Element WaterSmall
  • Tick Icon Tick:
    • Ally Icon Ally:
Temporal Focus
File:State Temporal Focus.png

Temporal Focus

Lvl. 1

This state doesn't stack

Temporal Focus gains all the AP the Xelor can make people gain using his Water spells.
      • 50(90)% Chance:
State Accelerator


Lvl. 1

This state doesn't stack

+1 AP, transfers Temporal Focus to another ally when Lv. 5
  • Tock Icon Tock:
    • 50(90)% chance: -1 APAction point (1 turn)


  • -1(17) HP Element WaterSmall
    • Ally Icon Ally:
      • Temporal Focus
      • 75(100)% Chance: Accelerator+1
  • Tock Icon Tock:
    • 75(135)% chance: -1 APAction point (1 turn)

Spell Information[]

A cheap spell that can effectively remove AP from a target or give the temporal focus state on allies and give AP.

Spell Progression[]

Level 0 50 100 150 200
Effect Damage 1 3 6 8 11
+/-AP% 50 60 70 80 90
Critcal Damage 1 5 9 13 17
+/-AP% 75 90 105 120 135


Time Control replaced the spell Slow Down in the Fiesta in Bilbiza update (1.26)

Xelor Elemental Spells:
Spell Xelor ParchingSpell Xelor ShrivelingXelor Spell Tempus FugitSpell Xelor SixAMXelor Spell Temporal Distortion
Spell Xelor HydrandSpell Xelor TemporalBurnSpell Xelor TemporalDustSpell Xelor HandSpell Xelor LineOfFire
Spell Xelor SinistroXelor Spell Slow DownSpell Xelor XelorsHourglassSpell Xelor FrostbiteSpell Xelor Clock

Active Support Spells:
Spell Xelor DevotionSpell Xelor XelorsDialSpell Xelor TimekeeperSpell Xelor MummificationSpell Xelor TemporalImages

Passive Support Spells:
File:Spell Xelor TimeLord.pngSpell Xelor TimeTheftSpell Xelor TemporalArmorFile:Spell Xelor TemporalWaves.pngSpell Xelor Rollback
