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Icon Missing Temporal Distortion

Class: Xelor
Unlock level: 4
Type: Attack

Element: Air
2Action point

2-4Range ModifiableRange
AoE:Single cell

"The Xelor inflicts damage on his target. If his timing is good, he'll also make it more prone to AP loss. If not, he'll protect it."



Spell Information[]

A linear Attack that doesn't need Line of Sight. The effects of Hyperaction change at any level, they only change on a critical hit. Applies Hyperaction State depends on Tock/Tick if the State is positive or negative. Can only be cast once per target. For Tock/Tick to apply the Xelor must have at least level one of the special ability Temporal Waves.

Spell Progression[]

Level 0 50 100 150 200
Effect Damage 1 5 9 13 17
Critical Damage 2 8 14 20 26

Xelor Elemental Spells:
Spell Xelor ParchingSpell Xelor ShrivelingXelor Spell Tempus FugitSpell Xelor SixAM
Spell Xelor HydrandSpell Xelor TemporalBurnSpell Xelor TemporalDustSpell Xelor HandSpell Xelor LineOfFire
Spell Xelor SinistroXelor Spell Slow DownSpell Xelor XelorsHourglassSpell Xelor FrostbiteSpell Xelor ClockXelor Spell Time Control

Active Support Spells:
Spell Xelor DevotionSpell Xelor XelorsDialSpell Xelor TimekeeperSpell Xelor MummificationSpell Xelor TemporalImages

Passive Support Spells:
File:Spell Xelor TimeLord.pngSpell Xelor TimeTheftSpell Xelor TemporalArmorFile:Spell Xelor TemporalWaves.pngSpell Xelor Rollback
