I recommend we don't put builds onto the main page. It's fine to have them, but let's put them into a sub-page like this: Sacrier/Fire or something similar. The main class page can contain links to the various builds in the sub-pages. --Pallas-athene 02:33, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
I think it'd be better to simply put the whole build section onto a separate page and link to just that one page from the class page, instead of linking a bunch of builds on the main class-page. Then place individual builds within a category structure. It might also be useful to have a "guides" section that is not for specific build advice.--Defunc7 10:19, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
You want to create a single builds page for all classes or for each class? Either way, the way I currently moved the build content still works since each specific build needs its own page anyway. Currently the Fire Sac build is here: Sacrier/Fire --Pallas-athene 11:53, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
Probably per-class is the most important (linked to from the individual class, each build gets a brief description, author, etc), and then the categories can handle all->class subdivisions (I think "element" is too fine a subdivision given Wakfu's multi-element crossover). An all-class build page might be useful if anyone bothers getting into multiperson party-builds or something, but I don't think that's a majority.---Defunc7 13:59, 1 December 2008 (UTC)