Wakfu Wiki

Archetype: Druid/Shaman

  • Unique features: Doll summons, Voodoll
  • Power: Average. Sometimes low, but increases with multiple dolls.
  • Flexibility: Good. Dolls are a multi-purpose tool that can handle a lot of different situations.
  • Team play: Average. Totem can compensate for range/movement issues with other classes, but dolls can occasionally block an ally's shot or movement.
  • Combat position: Rear guard. Dolls and Totem can effectively allow the Sadida to attack around their allies.
  • Nice targets: Mid-ranged attackers.
  • Hard targets: Single strong opponents that can kill dolls easily.

Spell-branch features[]

  • Air: Poison and disabler
  • Earth: Ranged Damage, Bramble Armour, MP Control
  • Water: Healing and Doll support
  • Support: Doll control

Class spells[]

The class spells available to members of the Sadida class are:

Element Icon Spell Name Cost Effect
Element WaterLarge
Spell Sadi Vaporize Vaporize 2Action point Icon Doll: Nettled +10
Spell Sadi SadidasTear Sadida's Tear 4Action point Linear, No LoS, Damage

Icon Voodoll: Heals or Damages depending on target linked

Spell Sadi Mudool Mudool 3Action point

Icon Doll: +3 AP

Spell Sadi Rust Rust 5Action point
Cross 2
Spell Sadi Drain Drain 5Action point Damage Target

Heal 1-1 x 1-1

Icon Spell Name Cost Effect
Element AirLarge
Spell Sadi WoodScent Woodland Stench 3Action point Damage
Spell Sadi PoisonedWind Poisoned Wind 2Action point
Spell Sadi ColdHit Sudden Chill 4Action point No LoS, Damage, -Resist Element Physical
Spell Sadi Kmir K'mir 4Action point
Spell Sadi Gust Gust 3Action point No LoS Cross
: Damage, Push
Icon Spell Name Cost Effect
Element EarthLarge
Spell Sadi Bramble Bramble 4Action point

Spell Sadi Fertilizer Fertilizer 5Action point Icon Enemy: Damage, steals MP Icon Ally/Icon Doll
Spell Sadi WildGrass Wild Grass 2Action point
Spell Sadi Earthquake Earthquake 3Action point
Spell Sadi MassBramble Manifold Bramble 6Action point Circle AoE
: Damage, -MP gylph on empty cells

Icon Seed: Summons The Madoll

Icon Spell Name Cost Effect
Element SupportLarge
Spell Sadi Doll The Ultra-Powerful style="text-align: center; " Summons a doll that can summon your other dolls
Spell Sadi Explodoll Explodoll Passive Your dolls explode on Death
Spell Sadi DollSacrifice Dolly Sacrifice 4(1)Action point Destroys Doll, heals Sadi, returns WP
Spell Sadi DollLink Doll Link Passive
Spell Sadi Voodoll Voodoll 6(4)Action point2(1)Wakfu point Summons a Voodoll
Spell Sadi DollKnowledge Knowledge of Dolls Passive +Command
Spell Sadi Tree Tree 5(1)Action point 1Wakfu point Turn into a Tree, Heals Sadi, gives resist Element Physical
Spell Sadi GreenGuard Green Guard Passive If attacked, Icon Doll: Nettled
Spell Sadi SicEmMore Sic'Em More 6(3)Action point
Spell Sadi StillLife Lone Sadida Passive Damage% and Heals% bonus for having no dolls summoned

Other features[]


The Sadida class, originating from the first Ankama title Dofus, was first introduced as a shaman class with very strong long range attacks and summoning spells. Some of the popular spells amongst the Sadida of Dofus included: Bramble, Sacrificial Doll, Soothing Bramble and the Inflatable.

Preview spells[]

Ankama previewed a small selection of spells during the initial design period of Wakfu. Though examples of the desired shape of the class, most of these spells did not make it through to the current version without some alterations.

Icon Name Element Short description
Preview Bramble Bramble Earth This spell inflicts long-range Earth-type damage.
Preview Zombification Zombification N/A This spell allows a Sadida to zombify a target whether it is an ally or a foe.
Preview SummoningOfDolly Summoning of Dolly N/A This spell allows the caster to drop an inanimate doll on a cell next to him. This doll will come to life only if a spell of doll animation is cast on him.
Preview AnimateSacrificedDoll Animate Sacrificed Doll N/A This spell can give life to an inanimate doll, turning it into a "Sacrificed" doll. The spell can only be cast on an inanimate doll.


  • The full name of the class is "Sadida's Shoes"
  • Players often shorten "Sadida" to "Sadi" when referring to the class.
  • "Sadida", spelled backwards, is Adidas, which is a sports equipment manufacturer, which explains why the class has the word "Shoe" in its name. Ironically, some Sadida people (especially Amalia) don't wear shoes at all.
  • The male Sadida`s have their faces completely covered with hair. Making them the 4th class to have permanent facial looks, after Srams,Foggernauts,Xelors and Rogues.

Image Gallery[]

Sadida Concept

Wakfu concept art for Sadida class

Sadi pose

Sadida in-game models

Sadida DofusMale

Original sadida class image.

External links[]

All playable classes:
CraClassSymbol EcaflipClassSymbol EniripsaClassSymbol EnutrofClassSymbol FecaClassSymbol FoggernautClassSymbol IopClassSymbol HuppermageClassSymbol MasqClassSymbol
OsamodasClassSymbolPandawaClassSymbolRogueClassSymbol SacrierClassSymbolSadidaClassSymbol SramClassSymbol XelorClassSymbol EliotropeClassSymbol

