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Icon Missing Rocknoceros

Class: Iop
Unlock level: 2
Type: Attack

Element: Earth
5Action point

2 - 3No LoSRange
AoE:Single Cell

"The Iop throws a rock at its target to injure it."


  • -4(126) HP Element EarthSmall
  • 10% chance:
State Stunned


Lvl. 1

This state doesn't stack

Stunned prevents the target from acting during the turn.

Misses a turn


  • -6(190) HP Element EarthSmall
  • 15% chance: Stunned

Spell Information[]

A short-range attack, that doesn't need Line of Sight, and can Stun.

Spell Progression[]

Level 0 50 100 150 200
Effect Damage 4 34 65 95 126
Stun Chance% 10
Critical Damage 6 52 98 144 190
Stun Chance% 15

Iop Elemental Spells:
Spell Iop EviscerationSpell Iop FlurrySpell Iop IntimidationSpell Iop JabsSpell Iop Uppercut
Spell Iop ChargeSpell Iop EarthenBlowSpell Iop ImpactSpell Iop Earthquake
Spell Iop Iops WrathSpell Iop ThunderboltSpell Iop JudgementSpell Iop CelestialSwordSpell Iop SuperIopPunch

Active Support Spells:
Spell Iop BraveryBannerSpell Iop AmplificationSpell Iop JumpSpell Iop DefensivePostureSpell Iop Squash

Passive Support Spells:
Spell Iop CompulsionSpell Iop ExpertTacklerSpell Iop ShowOffSpell Iop VirilitySpell Iop Authority
