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er damage

Icon Missing Purge

Class: Enutrof
Unlock level: 4
Type: Damage

Element: Water
2Action point

3-5Range ModifiableNo LoSRange
AoE:Single cell

"Purge does damage, but it also makes a little bag on the ground get bigger so it can hold more loot. Careful, though, the bag can explode if it gets too full!"


  • Deals 2(28) Damage Element WaterSmall
  • On a Big Bag: explodes (100%) cross damage
  • On a Pouch: grows (75%)
  • If the transformation fails: explodes


  • Deals 3(42) Damage Element WaterSmall
  • On a Big Bag: explodes (100%) cross damage
  • On a Pouch: grows (100%)

Spell Information[]

A ranged damage spell that does not require Line of sight. If this spell is cast on a Pouch the size increases to a Big Bag. When cast on a Big Bag, it explodes and deals damage on a

1 cell cross area

, and the Pouch disappears from combat. a bigger bag gives better items.

Spell Progression[]

Level 0 50 100 150 200
Effect Damage 2 8 15 21 28
Critical Damage 3 12 22 32 42

Enutrof Elemental Spells:
Spell Enu AirRaidSpadeSpell Enu DeadlyNightspadeSpell Enu SmackerSpell Enu ShadyShovelSpell Enu ShovelShaker
Spell Enu FusionSpell Enu MeteorSpell Enu EmberSpell Enu FiredampExplosionSpell Enu HotMagma
Spell Enu CuttingSpell Enu RascalrySpell Enu RefinementSpell Enu Tax

Active Support Spells:
Spell Enu PhoneAFrhendSpell Enu DrhellzerkerSpell Enu MassClumsinessSpell Enu MineMoverSpell Enu PrimeOfLife

Passive Support Spells:
Spell Enu GeologySpell Enu TreasureTrackerSpell Enu CombatTrainingSpell Enu FakingItSpell Enu GodEnutrofsBlessingSpell Enu PrimeOfLife
