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Moe Kneetorks Avatar

Moe Kneetorks is the Clan Member of Sidimote Moors area in Brakmar.

Brakmar Icon

He teaches the Miner profession.

Moe Kneetorks's sheet

Job: Miner
Sex: Gentleman
Height: Hits The Roof
Weight: 12 Ingots
Place of Birth: Nanny Groatto
Hobby: Counting The Daze
Hates: Getting Picked On
Speciality: Making Plenty Of Dough
Moe Kneetorks Portrait


Will Bonus[]

Being a Clan Member, Moe Kneetorks has his own will, if respected, the following Bonus will be available in his zone, the Sidimote Moors.

Mood: Bonus
ClanMemberMoodHappy +20% DamageElement WaterSmall
ClanMemberMoodNeutral +10% DamageElement WaterSmall
ClanMemberMoodSad No Bonus

Moe Kneetorks's Will[]

To respect Moe Kneetorks's will, certain monsters and resources must respect these parameters.

Moe Kneetorks's will:
Wild Plants: 200 to 400 Stalagmotes: 200 to 400
Chafers: 400 to 600


After learning the Mining Profession:
Moe Kneetorks: "Oh, a visitor! What can I do for you?"

  1. Nothing right now. Bye.

Available Quests[]


Return Of The Croaker

Whirligig Daddy
