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Class: Enutrof
Unlock level: 5
Type: Support

6(3) Action point 1 Wakfu point

AoE:Whole battleground

"The Enutrof is able to limit fighters' options by reducing their ability to move around - to his advantage, of course!"


  • -1(-2) max MP (all)
    • then -1 max MP 0%(80%) (all)
  • +5(+50) Dodge (Enutrof)

Spell Information[]

This spell reduces everyone's MP (adds Bound state) , while boosting the Caster's Dodge.

Spell Progression[]

Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AP Cost 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3
MP reduce 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
2nd MP reduce chance 0 0 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
+Dodge 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Enutrof Elemental Spells:
Spell Enu AirRaidSpadeSpell Enu DeadlyNightspadeSpell Enu SmackerSpell Enu ShadyShovelSpell Enu ShovelShaker
Spell Enu FusionSpell Enu MeteorSpell Enu EmberSpell Enu FiredampExplosionSpell Enu HotMagma
Spell Enu CuttingSpell Enu RascalrySpell Enu PurgeSpell Enu RefinementSpell Enu Tax

Active Support Spells:
Spell Enu PhoneAFrhendSpell Enu DrhellzerkerSpell Enu MineMoverSpell Enu PrimeOfLife

Passive Support Spells:
Spell Enu GeologySpell Enu TreasureTrackerSpell Enu CombatTrainingSpell Enu FakingItSpell Enu GodEnutrofsBlessingSpell Enu PrimeOfLife
