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Laws are decided by the local Governor. These dictate which actions increase or reduce Citizenship Points.

These are in addition to the basic Citizens' Rights, which are universal.


  • The current Laws can be found via the "Commmunity" Menu, and "Policy" submenu (Default shortcut "N").

Possible Laws[]

Name Result Action Type
Governmental Pact -10 Art. 1776 of the Revolutionary Pact
You may not attack a member of the government.
Eco-terrorism -10 Art. 69 of Mob Barley
It is forbidden to destroy a protected resource
Poaching -10 Art. 33 of Rigid Barjo
It is forbidden to attack a protected Monster Family.
Violence -10 Art. 8 of the Columbo Code
You may not attack an honest citizen of the nation.
Xenophobia -10 Art. 16 of the Evenga Treaty
You may not attack a foreigner unless he's from an enemy nation.
Single Party -10 Art. 27 of the Tyrannical Code
It is forbidden to stand against the outgoing governor.
Collaboration -3 Art. 39 of the Al Calpony Code
You may not trade with an Outlaw.
Major Offense
Opposition -3 Art. 27 of the Tyrannical Code
It is forbidden to vote against the outgoing governor.
Major Offense
Disobedience -3 Art. 87 of the Enlightened Prometheus
You may not complete an action that goes against a Clan Member's wishes.
Major Offense
Brutish -3 Art. 64 of the Meditative Iop
You may not lose a fight that you started yourself.
Major Offense
Brutus Blow -3 Art. 12 of Loyal Sram
You may not kill a team mate in combat.
Major Offense
Treason -3 Art. 15 of the Norris Code
You may not fight alongside Outlaws.
Major Offense
Import-Export -3 Art. 5 of the Patriotic Enutrof
You may not trade with a foreigner.
Major Offense
Private Property -3 Art. 87 of Bontarian Capitalism
You may not use Bonta Dungeon doors.
Major Offense
Animal Protectionism -1 Art. 31 of the Nordic Whip
It is forbidden for a neutral foreigner to attack an animal species.
Minor Offense
Ecological Protectionism -1 Art. 32 of the Nasal Announcement
It is forbidden for a neutral foreigner to alter any of the ecosystem's resources.
Minor Offense
Civil Protectionism -1 Art. 33 of the Treaty of Jen Eva
It is forbidden for a neutral foreigner to attack an honest citizen of the nation.
Minor Offense
Tourist Protectionism -1 Art. 34 of the Weaslish Treaty
It is forbidden for a neutral foreigner to attack another foreigner who is not an Outlaw.
Minor Offense
Dishonor -1 Art. 13 of the Pandawushu
You may not lose a duel.
Minor Offense
Partycrasher -1 Art. 3 of the Parasite Manual
You may not join a fight unless you have been invited to.
Minor Offense

See also[]
