Laws are decided by the local Governor. These dictate which actions increase or reduce Citizenship Points.
These are in addition to the basic Citizens' Rights, which are universal.
- The current Laws can be found via the "Commmunity" Menu, and "Policy" submenu (Default shortcut "N").
Possible Laws[]
Name | Result | Action | Type |
Governmental Pact | -10 | Art. 1776 of the Revolutionary Pact You may not attack a member of the government. |
Crime |
Eco-terrorism | -10 | Art. 69 of Mob Barley It is forbidden to destroy a protected resource |
Crime |
Poaching | -10 | Art. 33 of Rigid Barjo It is forbidden to attack a protected Monster Family. |
Crime |
Violence | -10 | Art. 8 of the Columbo Code You may not attack an honest citizen of the nation. |
Crime |
Xenophobia | -10 | Art. 16 of the Evenga Treaty You may not attack a foreigner unless he's from an enemy nation. |
Crime |
Single Party | -10 | Art. 27 of the Tyrannical Code It is forbidden to stand against the outgoing governor. |
Crime |
Collaboration | -3 | Art. 39 of the Al Calpony Code You may not trade with an Outlaw. |
Major Offense |
Opposition | -3 | Art. 27 of the Tyrannical Code It is forbidden to vote against the outgoing governor. |
Major Offense |
Disobedience | -3 | Art. 87 of the Enlightened Prometheus You may not complete an action that goes against a Clan Member's wishes. |
Major Offense |
Brutish | -3 | Art. 64 of the Meditative Iop You may not lose a fight that you started yourself. |
Major Offense |
Brutus Blow | -3 | Art. 12 of Loyal Sram You may not kill a team mate in combat. |
Major Offense |
Treason | -3 | Art. 15 of the Norris Code You may not fight alongside Outlaws. |
Major Offense |
Import-Export | -3 | Art. 5 of the Patriotic Enutrof You may not trade with a foreigner. |
Major Offense |
Private Property | -3 | Art. 87 of Bontarian Capitalism You may not use Bonta Dungeon doors. |
Major Offense |
Animal Protectionism | -1 | Art. 31 of the Nordic Whip It is forbidden for a neutral foreigner to attack an animal species. |
Minor Offense |
Ecological Protectionism | -1 | Art. 32 of the Nasal Announcement It is forbidden for a neutral foreigner to alter any of the ecosystem's resources. |
Minor Offense |
Civil Protectionism | -1 | Art. 33 of the Treaty of Jen Eva It is forbidden for a neutral foreigner to attack an honest citizen of the nation. |
Minor Offense |
Tourist Protectionism | -1 | Art. 34 of the Weaslish Treaty It is forbidden for a neutral foreigner to attack another foreigner who is not an Outlaw. |
Minor Offense |
Dishonor | -1 | Art. 13 of the Pandawushu You may not lose a duel. |
Minor Offense |
Partycrasher | -1 | Art. 3 of the Parasite Manual You may not join a fight unless you have been invited to. |
Minor Offense |