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Icon Missing Invigorating Word

Class: Eniripsa
Unlock level: 5
Type: Heal/Damage

Element: Water
4Action point

1 - 3Range ModifiableRange
AoE:Single Cell

"A word spread by word of mouth until it comes back to the Eniripsa. It heals its target, but also the carrier."


  • Natural: Heals caster and target for 2(50) HP Element WaterSmall
  • Unnatural: -4(100) HP Element WaterSmall and steals 50(100)'% of damage inflicted


  • Natural: Heals caster and target for 2(62) HP Element WaterSmall
  • Unnatural: -5(125) HP Element WaterSmall and steals 50(100)'% of damage inflicted

Spell Progression[]

Level 0 50 100 150 200
Effect Heal 2 14 26 38 50
Damage 4 28 52 76 100
Critical Heal 2 17 32 47 62
Damage 5 35 65 95 125
HP Steal% 50 62 75 87 100

Eniripsa Elemental Spells:
Spell Eni PsykoFlaskSpell Eni InfectedFlaskSpell Eni FearFlaskSpell Eni LethargyFlaskSpell Eni PainFlask
Spell Eni EtingMarkSpell Eni AmilMarkSpell Eni ItsadeMarkSpell Eni ConeyMarkSpell Eni Here Mark
Spell Eni HealingWordSpell Eni RevitalizingWordSpell Eni WordOfRecoverySpell Eni RenewingWord

Active Support Spells:
Spell Eni RegenerationSpell Eni TranscendenceSpell Eni SuperConeySpell Eni EnirazerSpell Eni CounterNature

Passive Support Spells:
Spell Eni AbsorptionSpell Eni ConstitutionSpell Eni ExpertHealerSpell Eni HealDrainSpell Eni ExplosiveMarkSpell Eni Master PropagatorSpell Eni RegeneratorSpell Eni Mass AidSpell Eni HygieneSpell Eni TransgressionSpell Eni Natural Grace
