The Great Dragon is the incarnation of Stasis in the universe, the energy of destruction. Alongside the Great Goddess, it was the first being in the universe. It is from their dance that the Krosmoz was born, and he is the father of the Eliatrope race. He is also the first dragon.
It is unknown when the Great Dragon came into existence, but it was long before the universe was made. The Great Dragon is the incarnation of Stasis, the energy of ultimate destruction. The Great Dragon lived long before the Gods came to be, but there was another being just as powerful with him: the Goddess Eliatrope. The Goddess Eliatrope was the opposite of The Great Dragon, the incarnation of creation and life, Wakfu. The two great entity's fell in love and began to dance. The more they danced, the more they loved each other, until their loving dance birthed the whole universe. They birthed the very universe, and the universe birthed the Gods. The Great Dragon and Goddess Eliatrope supply the universe with Wakfu and Stasis, keeping the balance in the universe.
Soon after the universes birth, The Great Dragon created the Primordial and the Eliatrope dragons, along with the Eliatrope people with his lover.