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Icon Missing Fusion

Class: Enutrof
Unlock level: 0
Type: Damage

Element: Fire
4Action point

2-5 Range ModifiableRange
AoE:Single cell

"The Enutrof inflicts damage by setting fire to a kama in his hand. With a bit of luck, he can even put his target in the Burning state!"


  • -4(56) HP Element FireSmall
State Burning


Lvl. 1(50)

This state stacks

Burning inflicts fire damage at the end of the target's turn.

-2(14) HP at end of turn Template:I efs
0(50) state (70% Chance)
State Scalded


Lvl. 1(20)

This state doesn't stack

This state is activated then its bearer stands next to someone affected by the Flaming state. Wears off after activation.

Flaming damage is increased by 40% on a target in this state


  • -6(84) HP Element FireSmall
State Burning


Lvl. 1(75)

This state stacks

Burning inflicts fire damage at the end of the target's turn.

-2(20) HP at end of turn Template:I efs
1(75) state
State Scalded


Lvl. 2(30)

This state doesn't stack

This state is activated then its bearer stands next to someone affected by the Flaming state. Wears off after activation.

Flaming damage is increased by 40% on a target in this state

Spell Information[]

Deals damage, and can cause Burning and Scalded.

Spell Progression[]

Level 0 50 100 150 200
Effect Damage 4 17 30 43 56
Burning Chance 75%
Burning Lv 0 12 25 37 50
Burning Damage 0 5 8 11 14
Scalded Lv 0 5 10 15 20
Scalded Damage 0 6 11 16 21
Critical Damage 6 25 45 64 84
Burning Chance 100%
Burning Lv 1 19 38 56 75
Burning Damage 2 6 11 16 20
Scalded Lv 2 9 16 23 30
Scalded Damage 3 10 17 24 31

Enutrof Elemental Spells:
Spell Enu AirRaidSpadeSpell Enu DeadlyNightspadeSpell Enu SmackerSpell Enu ShadyShovelSpell Enu ShovelShaker
Spell Enu MeteorSpell Enu EmberSpell Enu FiredampExplosionSpell Enu HotMagma
Spell Enu CuttingSpell Enu RascalrySpell Enu PurgeSpell Enu RefinementSpell Enu Tax

Active Support Spells:
Spell Enu PhoneAFrhendSpell Enu DrhellzerkerSpell Enu MassClumsinessSpell Enu MineMoverSpell Enu PrimeOfLife

Passive Support Spells:
Spell Enu GeologySpell Enu TreasureTrackerSpell Enu CombatTrainingSpell Enu FakingItSpell Enu GodEnutrofsBlessingSpell Enu PrimeOfLife
