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After a fight begins, there will be additional objectives offered to the player(s).

These objectives have no effect on a fight's success, but instead offer temporary bonuses to Prospecting and Wisdom at the end of a fight, (for the purposes of calculating Experience Points and Item Drops).


Objectives based on damage[]

Objective Objective Info
Do not cause enemies to suffer Earth damage
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon count as enemies.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon are able to inflict Earth damage Element EarthMedium without failing the objective.
Do not cause enemies to suffer Water damage
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon count as enemies.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon are able to inflict Water damage Element WaterMedium without failing the objective.
Do not cause enemies to suffer Air damage
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon count as enemies.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon are able to inflict Air damage Element AirMedium without failing the objective.
Do not cause enemies to suffer Fire damage
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon count as enemies.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon are able to inflict Fire damage Element FireMedium without failing the objective.
Do not suffer damage from the front.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon taking damage cannot cause this objective to fail.
  • Todo: test for indirect and self-inflicted damage.
Do not suffer damage from behind.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon taking damage cannot cause this objective to fail.
  • Todo: test for indirect and self-inflicted damage.
Do not suffer damage from the Torment spell.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon taking damage cannot cause this objective to fail.

Objectives based on defeating enemies[]

Objective Objective Info
Defeat all enemies with ranged attacks.
  • Enemy summons do not count as enemies.
  • The killing blow must be caused by a player not adjacent to the monster.
  • Distance is measured from the player, not the source of damage.
Defeat all enemies with close-combat attacks.
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon do not count as enemies.
  • The killing blow must be caused by a player adjacent to the monster.
  • Distance is measured from the player, not the source of damage.
Defeat all enemies with damage from behind.
  • Todo: test for indirect and self-inflicted damage.
Every player must defeat at least one enemy.
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon do not count as enemies.
  • Players who have defeated an enemy will be marked with a State to show they have defeated at least one enemy.
The player with the lowest level must finish off all of the enemies.
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon do not count as enemies.
  • The objective is failed if any player other than the lowest-level defeats any enemies.
Defeat the designated enemy first.
  • The designated Icon Enemy enemy will have a target above its head.
  • The objective is failed if any other enemy dies before the marked enemy.
Defeat the designated enemy last.
  • The designated enemy Icon Enemy will have a target above its head.
  • The objective is failed if the marked enemy dies before any other enemy.
When an enemy takes damage, they must be finished off before any other enemy is attacked.
  • When an enemy Icon Enemy is damaged, it will gain a target above its head.
  • The objective is failed if any enemy is damaged before the marked enemy dies.
  • Area of Effect spells that damage multiple enemies will cause the objective to fail if it does not kill all but the last enemy damaged by it.
  • Todo: test for self-inflicted damage.
Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine
Defeat all enemies in order of increasing level.
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon do not count as enemies.
  • The level of the last enemy killed is recorded on all enemies as a State.
Down and Out
Down and Out
Defeat all enemies in order of decreasing level.
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon do not count as enemies.
  • The level of the last enemy killed is recorded on all enemies as a State.
Two monsters must be killed in one turn by a single player.
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon do not count as enemies.
  • Defeating at least one, but not exactly two monsters in one round as one player fails the challenge.
  • Killing all remaining monsters in one turn as one player will fail the challenge (unless there were exactly two).
  • Todo: test for multiple players killing two enemies in one round of turns.
Three monsters must be killed in one turn by a single player.
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon do not count as enemies.
  • Defeating at least one, but not exactly three monsters in one round as one player fails the challenge.
  • Killing all remaining monsters in one turn as one player will fail the challenge (unless there were exactly three).
  • Todo: test for multiple players killing three enemies in one round of turns.
All or Nothing
All or Nothing
Finish off all enemies within the same round of turns.
  • Enemy summons Icon EnemyIcon Summon do not count as enemies.
  • A round of turns ends when the turn queue passes the yellow marker.
    • The objective fails if the round of turns ends, there were any enemies killed during the round, and there are any enemies still alive.
Do not get Knocked Out.
  • The objective fails if any ally player is reduced to 0HP.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon do not cause this objective to fail if knocked out.

Objectives based on resources[]

Objective Objective Info
Spend all of your MP Movement point before ending your turn.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon do not cause the objective to fail if they end their turn with MP remaining.
Finish your turn with MP Movement point remaining.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon do not cause the objective to fail if they end their turn with no MP remaining.
Finish your turn with an even number of AP Action point and an even number of MP Movement point remaining.
  • A player must have an even number of
  • Ally summons Icon Summon do not cause the objective to fail if they end their turn with an uneven number of either AP Action point or MP Movement point remaining.
Do not heal your allies.
  • The objective fails if any player uses a skill that directly heals a player.
  • Skills with innate self-healing do not cause the objective to fail.

Objectives based on positioning[]

Objective Objective Info
Finish your turn on a cell adjacent to an ally.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon count as allies when ending your turn.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon do not cause the objective to fail if they end their turn adjacent to no allies.
Do not finish your turn on a cell adjacent to an ally.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon do not count as allies when ending your turn.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon do not cause the objective to fail if they end their turn adjacent to an ally.
Do not finish your turn on a cell adjacent to an ally.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon count as allies when ending your turn.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon do not cause the objective to fail if they end their turn out of line with all allies.
  • Todo: test if obstacles blocking line of sight also block otherwise successful positioning.
Do not finish your turn on a cell adjacent to an enemy.
  • Ally summons Icon Summon do not cause the objective to fail if they end their turn adjacent to an enemy.
Form a chain (with a minimum of 6 players) with the totem, for 3 consecutive turns.
  • Todo: find out where this is.
  • Todo: test to see if all summons Icon Summon count.
  • Todo: test to see if a loop works.

Objectives based on Ogrest's Tears[]

Objective Objective Info
Ogrest's Tears must find their way back to one another.
  • Attacking the Tearmakes it turn towards the player.
  • Tears are pushed back at the end of each round of turns.
  • The objective fails if the battle ends without one Tear touching another.
Ogrest's Tear must fuse with a monster.
  • Attacking the Tearmakes it turn towards the player.
  • Tears are pushed back at the end of each round of turns.
  • The objective fails if the battle ends without the Tear touching a monster.
Ogrest's Tears must not hit anything.
  • Attacking the Tearmakes it turn towards the player.
  • Tears are pushed back at the end of each round of turns.
  • The objective fails if the tears collide with anything during the battle.