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Wakfu Wiki
Icon Missing Ember

Class: Enutrof
Unlock level: 4
Type: Damage

Element: Fire
2Action point 1 Movement point

1-2Range ModifiableRange

"The Enutrof throws a handful of stones around him. If one of the cells hit is a a mine, the stones become embers and can inflict the Explosion state on targets."


File:State Explosion.png


Lvl. 1-100

This state doesn't stack

Explosion inflicts the target with Fire damage.

-2-27 HP Template:I efs
1-100 (7%-72% Chance)


  • -5(60) HP Element FireSmall
  • if Mine: Explosion1-100 (14%-100% Chance)

Spell Information[]

Deals damage, with a small AoE (upside down V). If it strikes a Mine, it causes Burning.

Spell Progression[]

Level 0 50 100 150 200
Effect Damage 3 12 21 30 40
Explosion Chance% 7 23 39 55 72
Explosion Lv 0 25 50 75 100
Explosion damage 2 8 14 20 27
Critical Damage 5 18 32 46 60
Explosion Chance% 14 35 57 78 100
Explosion Lv 15 36 57 78 100
Explosion damage 5 11 16 21 27


  • If a Mine is anywhere within the AoE, then Explosion is inflicted on all cells within the AoE. Not just the cell that contains the Mine.
  • If two Mines are anywhere within the AoE, then double the listed level of Explosion is inflicted. Triple for three mines. It may be a bug.
  • Sometimes the AoE will expand to two more cells when there is a mine in the original AoE. This is probably a bug.

Enutrof Elemental Spells:
Spell Enu AirRaidSpadeSpell Enu DeadlyNightspadeSpell Enu SmackerSpell Enu ShadyShovelSpell Enu ShovelShaker
Spell Enu FusionSpell Enu MeteorSpell Enu FiredampExplosionSpell Enu HotMagma
Spell Enu CuttingSpell Enu RascalrySpell Enu PurgeSpell Enu RefinementSpell Enu Tax

Active Support Spells:
Spell Enu PhoneAFrhendSpell Enu DrhellzerkerSpell Enu MassClumsinessSpell Enu MineMoverSpell Enu PrimeOfLife

Passive Support Spells:
Spell Enu GeologySpell Enu TreasureTrackerSpell Enu CombatTrainingSpell Enu FakingItSpell Enu GodEnutrofsBlessingSpell Enu PrimeOfLife
