Citizenship Points are a representation of how good of a Citizen you are of your Nation.
Earning and Losing[]
Some actions effect your current Citizenship Points amount.
These actions are usually specified by your Nation's Governor. This can be anything from balancing the local Ecosystem to match a Clan Member's Will, or attacking citizens of another Nation. Actions can both increase and decrease your Citizenship Points.
A negative effect is the equivalent of a crime, and if your character's CP drops to -50 or below you become an Outlaw
Your citizenship points determine your role in your nation and can bring you numerous advantages:
0→9 CP: Homebody
10→99 CP: Resident: Access to nation bonuses
100→999 CP: Citizen: Right to vote for governor elections
1,000→9,999 CP: Countryman: Right to stand for election as a governor
10,000→99,999 CP: Patriot
100,000+ CP: Son Of The Law
-50 CP: Outlaw
-250 CP: Gangster
-1,000 CP: Criminal
-100,000 CP: Public Menace
You can check how many points you have by looking at the number at the bottom of your screen, directly under your HP and Stasis/Wakfu gauge.
- An action with a Green Wreath indicates an action which increases Citizenship Points
- An action with a Red Wreath indicates an action which decreases Citizenship Points
- Citizenship Points are often referred to as CP.