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Icon Missing Absorption

Class: Eniripsa
Unlock/Evolution level: 80/180
Type: Passive

"The Eniripsa's spells now depend on their ability to remain in high health: the less damage they take, the more they heal. What's more, they absorb part of the damage taken, so they regenerate after each blow."

Level 1:

  • Based on Eni's current HP%:
    • Increases/Decreases Healing given by -25% to +25%
  • After being hit:
    • Regenerates 10% of the damage taken

Level 2:

  • Based on Eni's current HP%:
    • Increases/Decreases Healing given by -25% to +25%
  • After being hit:
    • Regenerates 15% of the damage taken

Eniripsa Elemental Spells:
Spell Eni PsykoFlaskSpell Eni InfectedFlaskSpell Eni FearFlaskSpell Eni LethargyFlaskSpell Eni PainFlask
Spell Eni EtingMarkSpell Eni AmilMarkSpell Eni ItsadeMarkSpell Eni ConeyMarkSpell Eni Here Mark
Spell Eni HealingWordSpell Eni RevitalizingWordSpell Eni WordOfRecoverySpell Eni RenewingWordSpell Eni WordOfInvigoration

Active Support Spells:
Spell Eni RegenerationSpell Eni TranscendenceSpell Eni SuperConeySpell Eni EnirazerSpell Eni CounterNature

Passive Support Spells:
Spell Eni ConstitutionSpell Eni ExpertHealerSpell Eni HealDrainSpell Eni ExplosiveMarkSpell Eni Master PropagatorSpell Eni RegeneratorSpell Eni Mass AidSpell Eni HygieneSpell Eni TransgressionSpell Eni Natural Grace
